
The University of Birmingham is leading on the delivery of the West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator (WMHTIA), a £16m programme part of the West Midlands Combined Authority’s West Midlands Innovation Accelerator (WMIA).

First announced in the Government's 2022 Levelling Up White Paper, the West Midlands Innovation Accelerator is one of three regional accelerators funded through a share of a £100m fund set up by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and delivered by Innovate UK in partnership with regional authorities.

The WMIA aims to bolster the region's innovation and R&D capacity to spark commercial growth - boosting inward investment and reinforcing the West Midlands' position at the frontier of the UK innovation revolution by enabling businesses to develop new products, processes, and services.

The WMHTIA project is controlled and monitored according to the governance framework outlined below. This structure ensures responsibility and accountability for the effective delivery of the project.

Management Board

Each partner in the WMHTIA consortium is responsible for reporting progress and issues to the monthly Management Board Meeting through the workstream leads.

Grants Committee

Decisions related to the award of secondary grants is made through a panel of independent sector-specific experts. The grants committee meets quarterly and provides updates to the Executive Board directly to maintain its independence.

Executive Board

The Management Board reports into a quarterly Executive Board of regional and national leaders in the Health Tech sector that has senior oversight of the project.

External funders

The Core team reports to the West Midlands Combined Authority and Innovate UK as the funding stakeholders through quarterly meetings with the Innovate UK monitoring officer.

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